Policy Perspectives (Volume 16, No. 2)
Chief Editor: Khalid Rahman Volume: 16 Number: 2 Retail Price (Pak): PKR600 Annual Subscription: PKR1000 Export Price: $60 (per copy) Annual International Subscription: $120
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About the Issue
The latest edition of peer-reviewed IPS’ flagship journal Policy Perspectives – disseminating the research carried out by IPS and its associates on diverse range of current and evolving topics – is out now and is widely available for the readers in Pakistan and abroad.
The issue combines deliberations upon important global theoretical debates as well as discourses on current regional and international matters of significance.
The first article “Is the European Union Evolving or Failing?” looks at the debates in which the EU is considered a failing, failed or evolving project vis-à-vis rising European populism.
Authors: Dr Najimdeen Bakare is Assistant Professor and Head of Department at the Centre for International Peace & Stability (CIPS), NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (NIPCONS), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Islamabad; and Dr Tatheer Zahra Sherazi is a visiting lecturer at the International Islamic University, Islamabad.
The second article “Is Indian Media Free from State Control? An Appraisal” argues that Indian media is not autonomous and is being controlled by state which is jeopardizing the sanctity of journalism in India.
Author: Sheikh Tajammul-ul-Islam is the Executive Director at the Kashmir Media Service, Rawalpindi.
The third article “Strategizing Kashmiri Freedom Struggle through Nonviolent Means” discusses nonviolent actions through which Kashmiri freedom movement can be carried forward in these perilous times.
Author: Khurram Abbas is PhD scholar at the Centre of International Peace and Stability (CIPS), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad and Research Officer at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Islamabad.
The next article “Citizenship Laws of Pakistan: A Critical Review” apprises the importance of citizenship right and revisiting citizenship laws of the country to address present day challenges.
Author: Syed Nadeem Farhat is Senior Research Officer at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad.
The fifth article “Analytical Framework for Judicial Data Collection in Pakistan” calls for data representation in the LJCP annual reports in a more analytical form to facilitate policymaking for improvement of judicial system of Pakistan.
Authors: Dr Nadia Khadam is Assistant Professor at the Department of Law, Fatima Jinnah University in Rawalpindi; Dr Saadia Zahoor is a Consultant at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Islamabad; Sana Taha Gondal is an Associate at the Khan & Muezzin, Barristers, Advocates and Legal Counsel, Islamabad, Pakistan; and Salvat Kainat Tatari is an Associate at the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of Pakistan.
Next article “Fatwa Institution and Product Development for Islamic Finance in Pakistan” underscores the significance of regulating fatwa institution to ensure sharīʻah compatibility in Islamic Finance, and standardize product development.
Authors: Ghazala Ghalib Khan is a Lecturer (Law) and PHD Scholar at the Islamic Banking & Finance Department, International Islamic University, Islamabad; and Dr Atiq-uz-Zafar is an Assistant Professor; Director General, International Institute of Islamic Economics (IIIE); and Head, Islamic Banking & Finance Department, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Last article “Off-Grid Solar Electrification Sustainability Assessment: A Case Study of Swat” examines the ongoing energy transition and its sustainability in the district of Swat.
Authors: Naila Saleh is a Researcher at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad; and Dr Iftikhar Ahmed is Assistant Professor at the School of Public Policy, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Islamabad.
It is pertinent to mention here that alongside the printed copies, Policy Perspectives is also available online to the global audience through Pluto Journals on JSTOR (http://www.jstor.org/journal/polipers) and on Factiva and affiliated international databases through Asianet-Pakistan. Moreover, it is also indexed in International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA) database through both the print edition (published by Sage) and on the Ebsco and Ovid websites.