Annual Meeting of National Academic Council
The National Academic Council (NAC) is a steering body of IPS that provides guidelines for the Institute to design its research activities and improve its performance. The NAC annual meeting 2011 was held on May 21, 2011.
The National Academic Council (NAC) is a steering body of IPS that provides guidelines for the Institute to design its research activities and improve its performance. The NAC annual meeting 2011 was held on May 21, 2011.

NAC members showed satisfaction over the performance of the Institute. They made a number of suggestions for future course of action besides highlighting the internal, regional, and global challenges faced by Pakistan at present. While suggesting the continuation of, or an increased emphasis on, the previous themes, the Council members proposed a number of new themes for future research. Prominent among them included uprising in the Middle East, Palestine Issue, Pakistan’s relations with Russia, Central Asia and India, Islamic Intellectual Movements in the Middle East and Turkey, Water Issues, Terrorism and Militancy, problems in FATA, Role of Military, the issue of Disappeared Persons, and Role of Pakistani Expatriates in the world.
It was observed that the Institute should dig deeper and conduct more in-depth research studies, and come up with viable alternatives for the pressing challenges facing Pakistan, Muslim world and the world at large. Besides focusing on the emerging and contemporary issues, much focus should be paid on the long-term strategic issues with setting and prioritizing the agenda for 25 years with the breakup of five-year plan.
The participants proposed that the Institute should focus on the potential role of millions of Pakistani expatriates across the world as this human resource had an immense potential to contribute meaningfully for the uplift of the society and progress of the country through their expertise and remittances.
NAC emphasized the need to have greater deliberations on water issues; on the one hand, there is a need to identify the faults which hamper Pakistan from capitalizing the advantageous provisions enshrined in Indus Basin Water Treaty (IBWT), and on the other there is a need to study the water issue with respect to the violations of IBWT being made by India.
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It was also recommended that a thorough research should be carried out with regard to water reservoirs in the country and water sharing agreement. Since there are many rivers including Kabul, Gomal and Kurram entering Pakistan from Afghanistan, it is high time that Pakistan and Afghanistan should conclude a water sharing agreement.
It was suggested that the idea of regional block comprising Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and China (TPIAC) be studied for bringing peace and stability to the region.
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