BooksIPSweb2022-04-13T08:02:17+00:00 Ties that Bind: Essays on Pakistan-Africa Relations Religion in Modern Age Geopolitics: Frameworks and Dynamics in a Multipolar World Ikkeeswi Sadi ka Bharat aur Musalman: Siyasat aur Samaaj ke Aeenay Mai Bridging Horizons: Unraveling the Enigma of Connectivity Between Pakistan and Central Asia Yaadein Unki, Baatein Hamari Iranian Revolution: A Profile Revisiting the Durand Line: Historical and Legal Perspectives Pakistan: How I Saw It | Memoirs and Reflections Maritime Security: Challenges & Responses in a Changing World International Peacekeeping: Perspectives from Pakistan Policy, Qanoon Sazi aur Nizam – Abtari, Tashakhus aur Ilaj Pakistan ka Jamhoori Safar, Parliament ka Kirdar aur Riwayaat Islam aur Ghair Janibdarana Insani Khidmat Balochistan ki Surat-e-Haal: Masayel ki Nauiyat, Asbaab aur Hal Aa’een-i-Pakistan 1973 aur Islam: Martial Law, Adalia aur Parlimaan ka Kirdaar Economics and Economic Policy – Islamic Perspective Gwatar Bay to Sir Creek – History and Memoirs Pakistani Maeeshat ki Soorat-e-Haal: Masayel, Asbaab aur Lahia-e-Amal Dehshat Gardi ke Khilaaf Jang: Pak-Amreeka Taa’wun aur uske Asraat (Volume 2) Dehshat Gardi ke Khilaaf Jang: Pak-Amreeka Taa’wun aur uske Asraat (Volume 1) Aeen – Ikhtiaraat ka Tawazun aur Tarz-e-Hukumrani Islam aur Maghrib ki Tehzeebi-o-Syasi Kashmakash Aeen-e-Pakistan: Inhirafat aur Bahali ki Jiddojehad Pakistan ki Nazriati Asaas: Nifaz-e-Shariyat aur Madina ki Islami Riasat Family Law in Islam: Theory and Application Breaking the Breakers – Public Policy & Governance Case Studies from Pakistan Tehqeeq, Tasawwurat aur Tajrubat (2nd Edition) Faraib-e-Na Tamam Kamyab Zindagi 4 – Apne Talluqat ko Nikhariye Elements of Blue Economy Islamic Law of Contract: Applications in Islamic Finance Afghanistan: Mulla Umar se Ashraf Ghani Tak Maghrib aur Islam (Issue No. 47): Maghrib mai Muashra, Idara aur Khwateen Rallying for Rules: Parents Versus Private Schools Hindutva: Rising Extremism in India (Second Revised Ed.) Negotiating the Power Corridors: Forty Challenging Years of Civil Service Mashriq ko Zara Dekh Maghrib aur Islam (Issue No. 46) Gender, Law and Society in Islam Muhammad ﷺ: Man and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: His Character and Conduct Hindutva: Rising Extremism in India Fundamentals of Islamic Economics and Finance Maghrib aur Islam (Issue No. 45) Maghrib mai Muslim Shanakht ka Buhran Pakistan’s Economic Journey – Need for A New Paradigm Teacher Badalti Hui Dunya Main Hydro-Diplomacy: Preventing Water War Between Nuclear-Armed Pakistan and India Kamiyab Zindagi 3 Islam’s Political Order: The Model, Deviations and Muslim Response Turkish translation of Economic Teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) published Mushahidat-e-Zindagi Tadreeb-ul-Muallimeen Islami Nazariya-e-Hayat Series Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir: Badalte Halaat aur Pakistan ki Policy A Journey Through Islamic History: A Timeline of Key Events Khawateen, Khandan aur Parliman: Pakistan Mai Qanoon Sazi Ke Rujhanat Kamyab Zindagi 2 – Apni Soch Ko Nikhariye Awakened China Shakes the World and is now Pakistan’s Mainstay (Memoirs of a Diplomat) Maghrib aur Islam (Issue No. 41) Essays on Pak-China Relations Legislation on Women & Family in Pakistan: Trends and Approaches First Principles of Islamic Economics Islamic Civilization: Foundational Beliefs and Principles Kamyab Zindagi Key Policy Imperatives: Agenda before the Nation Policy Brief: National Agenda and the Kashmir Issue: 2013 and Beyond CHEEN SE BARTANIA TAK: Travelogue authored by youth leader published by LEAD-IPS Pakistan between Secularism and Islam: Ideology, Issues and Conflict Medical Ethics: An Islamic Perspective Litigating the War of Terror (e-book) Research: Concepts and Experiences Badalti Dunya Main Ubharta Cheen Aur Pak Cheen Taluqat Islam, International Law and the World Today Pakistan-Central Asia Ties with Focus on Kazakhstan Dehshat Gardi aur Musalman International Refugee Law, Islamic Shariah and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan China of Today and Tomorrow: Dynamics of Relations with Pakistan China of Today and Tomorrow: Dynamics of Relations with Pakistan (Chinese) Pakistan main Deeni Taleem Islam and Politics Essays on Muslims and the challenges of Globalization Afghans in Pakistan: Plight, Predicament and the Way Forward Assar-e-Hazar aur Shariat-e-Islami Imrani Uloom kee Tadrees ka Nazriati Pehlu Citizens Slaves, Guest Workers Pakistan & Afghanistan Crisis Search Policy for Oil in Pakistan Pakistan: State of Economy 1985-1986 Pakistan: State of Economy 1986-87 Afghanistan Crisis: Implications & Options Large Scale Business in Pakistan Kashmir: A Question of Life & Death of 112 Million People Pakistan State of Economy: A long Run Perspective Comments on Federal Budget 1989-90 Kashmir: Background to the Dispute Kashmir Problem: Challenges & Response Iqbalyat Darsi Kutub Main Pakistan, Bharat aur Alam-e-Islam Pakistan Main Nifaz-e-Islam Rural Deveopment in Pakistan; Concepts and Approaches Pakistan: State of Economy 1991-92 The Withering Chinar Kashmir Today: Perceptions and Reality Kashmir: An Appraisal of Current Situation Jamhuriat, Parlimant aur Islam Masla e Kashmir: Pak Bharat Muzakrat Pakistani Siasat Aur Aain Sandooq Al-Naqad Al-Dawliyi Ahdafah Wa Siyasah; Al-Halat Al-Sawdina(Sudan) Pakistan mein Taleem aur Niji Shobah (7) Pakistan mein Zaria e Taleem ka Masala (9) The Crisis of the Political System in Pakistan and the Jamaat-e-Islami Hurmat-e-Riba aur Ghair Sudi Malyaati Nizam Nizam-e-Taleem, Nazria, Rivayat Masail Yugusalavia ka Khatima aur Bosnia kay Muslaman Bureacuracy: State & development in Kawait and Arab Gulf States Kashmir Brief: Introduction of the Kashmir Issue and its Different Dimensions Women and Social Justice Pakistan Economy: External Sector Crisis Pakistan mein Taleem Kay Bunyadi Mubahis Pakistan mein Taleem Key Zinda Masail Bank ka sood: Iqtesadi aur Sharayai nuqtaye nazar Towards Islamic Banking Experiences and Challenges: A case Study of Pilgrims Management & Fund Board Experiences in Islamic Banking: A case Study of Islamic Bank Bangladesh Nuclear Deterrence – CTBT and Pakistan Modern Islamic Polity in the Making Terrorism – challenge and Way Out Dehshat Gardi: Darpesh Challenge The Contemporary Economic Challenges and Islam Terrorism Myth and Reality Pakistan Religious Education Institutions: An Overview Economics An Islamic Approach Pakistan between Secularism and Islam Pakistan under IMF Shadow Pakistan Economy: An Assessment with special Reference to Quality of life Dehshat Gardi aur Musalman Deeni Madaris – Tabdili kay Rujhanat Aurat: Khandan aur Humara Mashra The Life & Times of Prophet Muhammad Rasul Allah PBUH Khawateen: Muashi Ikhtiyar aur Taleem Education: Science and Industry in the Muslim World Amendments in Hudood Laws The Protection of Women’s Rights Bill An Appraisal Hudood Qawaneen main Tarameem – Huqooq-e-Niswan Bill Kiya hay Pakistan’s Economic Journey Need For a New Paradigm Hudood Qawaneen – Maujuda behes aur Aienda Laiha Amal Pakistan main Khawateen key Bunyadi Taleem Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan Economic Teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH Khandan ka Idara: Derpesh Challenge Deeni Madaris Main Taleem – Kayfiat, Masail, Imkanat Taqat aur Mafadat ka Aalami Khel Kashmiri Muhajereen: Haqaik, Masaail aur Lah-e-Amal Dialogue in Islamic Economics America: Muslim Dunya key bai Itminani 11 September say Pehlay aur Ba-ad Afghanistan: Jarhieat, Jihad, Buhran The Crisis of Development Planning in Pakistan – Which Way Kremlin, Kabul aur Afghan Islamic Resurgence: Challenges Directions & Future Perspectives Taleem Islami Tanzur mein (1) Riba aur Bank Ka Sood Ahyae Islam:Masail aur Mustaqbil kay Imkanat Kashmir mein Tehrik-e-Muzahamat Jadeed Iqtasadi Masial Shariat kee Nazar Main Masla-e-Kashmir Kay Imkani Hal Pakistan Ka Johri Programme Teachers’ Training: The Islamic Perspective Islami Riyasat mein Nizam e Taleem (3) Pakistan Men Jame`At Ka Kirdar (8) Taleem Main Beruni Muawanat (16) Money and Banking in Islam Vol.I Taraqiati Policy kee Islami Tashkeel Mass Resistance in Kashmir: Origins, Evolution, Options Mujallah Taleem (6) Tarana-e-Milli (Muswerana Tashkeel) Islamization of Laws & Economy Yaksaan Nizam-e-Taleem (4) Qaumi Taleemi Policy (15) Pakistan Security & the Nuclear Options New World Order: Western Fundamentalism in Action Sabres of Two Easts: An Untold Histroy of Muslims in Eastern Europe, their friends and foes Islami Tahrik Darpesh Challenge The Education and the Muslim World Rudad-e-Qafas Critical Issues in Agriculture Pakistan State of the Economy Emerging Role of Stock Markets in Pakistan Economy Elmination of Riba Form Economy Pakistan mein Nizam-e-Imtehanat, Buhran, Asbab aur Hal (10) Qaumi Taleemi Palisian: Taqabli Jaiza Islamic Approach to Development Nawa-e-Hurriyat The Role of Judiciary & The Objectives Resolution Dor Al-Shabab Al-Muslim Fi Bina-E Afghanistan Al-Mustaqbal Soviet Union ka Zawal: Nazriya, Amal, Rad e Amal Iqtesad Afghanistan Wa 12 Amaun Min Al-Harab Pakistan Main Wasti Asia ka Mutala Foreign Policy Debate Deeni Madaris Ka Nizaam-e-Taleem (5 ) Taleem Islami Tanzur mein (2) Proportional Representation and the Revival of Democratic Process in Pakistan Ethno National Movements of Pakistan Pakistan Population and Food Al-Khabrat Al-Tarikhiyah Wa Harab Al-Khalij 1990-1991 Al-Siyasah-Al-Amrikiya Fi Al-Sharaq Al-Awost Humaray Taleemi Nizam Main Ziaa Islami Bankari: Nazriati Bunyadein aur amli tajarbat Muslim Ummah Soviet Roos Main Pakistan’s Economic Challenges and the Government Response Contemporary Power Politics & Pakistan Islamic Banking: Conceptual Framework & Practical Operations Astar Atijiyah Al-Tanmiyah Wa-Al-A`Mar Fi Afghanistan Al-Inhayar Al-Sawfiyati Wa-Al-Alam Al-Astaratiyat Al-Dawlah Fil Al-Qazyah Al-Afghaniyah Taleem Islami Tanazur mein (11) Selection from the World Broad Cast on Kashmir Vol II Gulf War: Causes, Consequences and Future Scenarios Nizam-e- Imtihanat: Kharabian aur Islah ke Tadbeer Musawir Qaumi Tarana The Human Rights Commission Srinagar: Kashmir Bleeds Kashmir azadi Kee Jiddo Juhad Kashmir Suffers: A Sordid Tale told by Western and Indian Journalists Selection from the World Media on Kashmir Vol II Masla-e-Kashmir Aaj aur Kal Selection from the World Broad Cast on Kashmir Vol I Pakistan Main Nizam-e-Taleem Kee Islami Tashkeel Hikmat e Amli World Media on Kashmir Vol I The Future of Afghanistan (Mustaqbil Afghanistan) Pakistan Main Tax Ka Nizam: aik Tanqeedi Jayezah aur Islah ki Tajweez State of Employment in Pakistan Tax System In Pakistan; A Critical Evaluation and Recommendation for change Iranian Revolution: A Profile Pakistan Men Jamhuri Amal Ka Ahya Awr Mutanasib Numa`Indagi Balochistan kay Taleemi Idaray aur nazm o zabt ka chund pehlu Muslim Women and Higher Education Energy and Economic Growth in Pakistan 1984-85 Turkistan Main Muslim Muzahmat Pakistan Energy Policy Towards A New Strategy Fiscal Policy & Resource Allocation in Islam Vol.II Planning Curricula for Natural Sciences: the Islamic Perspective Pakistan Energy Budget 83-84 Development Strategy for the Sixth Plan 83-88 Hawanyaat Kee Tadrees ka Nazriati Pehlu Challenge from the North Keemya Kee Tadrees ka Nazriati Pehlu Quran Kareem aur Nabataat-o-Zarat key Tadrees Taleemi Policy 1997: do sala Amaldramad ka Jaiza aur Tajaweez Taleemi Budget: aik Tajziyati Mu’talia Towards the Monetary and Fiscal System of Islam Chini nizam taleem: nazriyati o intezami pehlu Islami Nizam e Taleem aur Pakistan key hawalay say Musharrah Kitabyat Taleem A Survey Of Issues; A Programme For Research In Monetary And Fiscal Economics Of Islam Red Clouds over Afghanistan