IPS represented in ISA Convention in Atlanta
Lead Coordinator Irfan Shahzad visited the US and participated in the 57th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association [...]
Lead Coordinator Irfan Shahzad visited the US and participated in the 57th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association [...]
A delegation comprising 36 students from districts Thatta and Sajawal of Sindh visited IPS on March 11, 2016. They [...]
A three-member Turkish delegation representing International Youth Forum including its executive board members M. Mustafa Bacak and Abdullah Usame [...]
As part of their two-day exposure trip to Islamabad, a 15-member delegation of female teachers and Balochistan Rural Support [...]
IPS LEAD – the Learning, Excellence and Development Programme of IPS – arranged an exposure visit of around 30 [...]
IPS was represented by Naufil Shahrukh, the head of Institute’s outreach, in a CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) [...]
IPS organized a video-conferencing session on the topic of ‘Military Chaplaincy in Comparative Perspective’ with Professor Torkel Brekke of [...]
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) and Sustainable Development Centre (SDC) on [...]
A paper contributed by IPS exclusively for the academic event was presented at the 3rd National Maritime Seminar themed [...]
DG-IPS Khalid Rahman visited Oslo, Norway on the invitation of the Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University [...]