E-booksIPSweb2025-03-20T05:14:56+00:00 Religion in Modern Age (Islamic Paradigm of Life – Volume 1) Geopolitics: Frameworks and Dynamics in a Multipolar World Dominance on the Digital Battlefield Bridging Horizons: Unraveling the Enigma of Connectivity Between Pakistan and Central Asia Revisiting the Durand Line: Historical and Legal Perspectives Pakistan How I Saw It : Memoirs and Reflections Maritime Security: Challenges & Responses in a Changing World International Peacekeeping: Perspectives from Pakistan Iranian Revolution: A Profile ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY: ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE Gwatar Bay to Sir Creek: History and Memoirs Sayyidnā Muḥammad صَلَّی ﷲ عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّمْ: The Greatest Benefactor of Mankind FAMILY LAW IN ISLAM: Theory and Application Breaking the Breakers: Public Policy & Governance Case Studies from Pakistan Islamic Law of Contract: Applications in Islamic Finance Elements of Blue Economy Hindutva: Rising Extremism in India (2nd Revised Ed.) Rallying for Rules: Parents Versus Private Schools Religious Educational Institutions: Trends and Views of Madrassa about its Role and Working Developing Objectives-based Index for Islamic Banks Hindutva: Rising Extremism in India Negotiating the Power Corridors: Forty Challenging Years of Civil Service Gender, Law and Society in Islam Legislation on Women and Family in Pakistan: Trends and Approaches PAKISTAN’S ECONOMIC JOURNEY: NEED FOR A NEW PARADIGM Hydro-Diplomacy: Preventing Water War Between Nuclear-Armed Pakistan and India ISLAM’S POLITICAL ORDER: THE MODEL, DEVIATIONS AND MUSLIM RESPONSE Economic Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): A Select Anthology of Hadith Literature on Economics Towards Islamic Banking: Experiences and Challenges: An IPS Task Force Report Essays on Pak-China Relations Medical Ethics: An Islamic Perspective The Contemporary Economic Challenges And Islam Dialogue in Islamic Economics AMERICA’S WAR ON TERRORISM: A SHOWDOWN WITH ISLAM Education, Science and Industry in the Muslim World PAKISTAN Religious Education Institutions: An Overview The Crisis of Development Planning in Pakistan: Which Way Now ? Terrorism Myth and Reality: United Nation’s Role with focus on Afghan Situation Pakistan under IMF Shadow The Protection of Women’s Rights Bill: An Appraisal China of Today and Tomorrow: Dynamics of Relations with Pakistan Pakistan Economy: An Assessment With special reference to ‘Quality of Life’ Pakistan Central Asia Ties with Focus on Kazakhstan Litigating the War of Terror: (Conference Report) Awakened China Shakes the World and is now Pakistan’s Mainstay: Memoirs of a Diplomat Islam, International Law and the World Today International Refugee Law, Islamic Shariah and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan Afghans in Pakistan: Plight, Predicament and the Way Forward Experiences in Islamic Banking: A Case Study of Islami Bank Bangladesh: An IPS Task Force Report PAKISTAN between SECULARISM and ISLAM: Ideology, issues & conflict The Crisis of Development Planning in Pakistan: Which Way Now ? Afghanistan Crisis: Implications and Options for Muslim World, Iran, and Pakistan