Seminar | ‘Kashmir Solidarity and Voices of Youth’


Roundtable discussion | Navigating Pakistan’s Blue Economy: Strategic Insights and Future Roadmap


International Seminar: ‘The Role of Religions in Fostering Peace, Harmony, and Justice’


Lecture/talk on “Decolonization of Education: A Muslim Perspective” by Professor Dr. Asad Zaman


Hybrid Seminar | ’30 Days of Gaza Crisis: Global Response & the Reshaping World Order’


Book Launch ” Pakistan: How I Saw It – Memoirs and Reflections”


Concluding Session: Hybrid Conference | ‘The Constitution of Pakistan: Lessons for the Next 50 Years’


Hybrid Conference | ‘The Constitution of Pakistan: Lessons for the Next 50 Years’


‘Tradition, Modernity and the Muslim Epistemology’


Roundtable: Regional Cooperation in the Eurasian Region: Role of the SCO


Hybrid Seminar | Crisis in Sudan: Implications for the Country & the Region


Hybrid Roundtable | Powering Progress: Investments and Digitizations to Overcome Pakistan’s Power Sector Challenges


Int’l Webinar | ‘Israeli Actions in the Middle East: Normalizing Aggression and Weakening Response’


Report Launch | Islamic Social Finance for Social Protection in Pakistan

‘Book Launch | ‘International Peacekeeping: Perspectives from Pakistan’


‘The National Will and Determination of Azerbaijani People – Commemorating January 20, 1990’


Roundtable | Pakistan’s Investment Climate: The Way Forward


‘Civilization and Politics: Islam’s Engagement with the West’

Commemorating Syed Ali Shah Gillani:His Struggle and Legacy


Seminar | The Federal Budget 2022-23: A Review


Hybrid Seminar | Decolonizing Islamic Studies


One Day International Conference: Russia-Ukraine War: Causes, Dynamics & Implications


تقریبِ سپاس و تعارفِ کتب: ‘ارمغانِ خورشید سیریز’


Book Launch: Pakistan Ki Nazriati Assas, Nifaz-e-Shariat Aur Islami Riyasat


Report Launch, “Assessment of Net-Metering Based Solar Systems Installed at IESCO & LESCO” Part 2


Report Launch, “Assessment of Net-Metering Based Solar Systems Installed at IESCO & LESCO”


Condolence Reference in the Loving Memory of Amb (r) Tajammul Altaf


Book Launch: “Gwatar Bay to Sir Creek: The Golden Coast of Pakistan”

دینی مدارس میں روایت اور معاصرت: جدید رجحانات

63 years of Gwadar’s Retrocession to Pakistan: Achievements, Prospects and Challenge


Webinar: Developments in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan and the region


Federal Budget 2021: A Review


The Ocean Life, Livelihood and Sustainability – Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan


‘US Withdrawal from Afghanistan – Threats to Regional Peace, Within and Without’


Int’l Webinar | ‘Israeli Aggression and the Plight of the Palestinians’


Freedom of Navigation Operations Patrol: Issues and Legalities


Authors’ Meet @ IPS Press on World Book & Copyright Day



Report Launch | Barriers and Drivers of Solar Prosumage: A Case Study of Pakistan


Security Cooperation in the Western Indian Ocean Region and Significance of AMAN 2021




Roundtable | Pak-Afghan Relations and the Durand Line Issue Part 1




International Webinar ‘India: Past, Present & Future- Perceptions of the Muslim World-II’


International Webinar ‘India: Past, Present & Future- Perceptions of the Muslim World-I’


Webinar | ‘Federal Budget 2020-21: My Impressions and Takeaways’

Webinar on ‘Youm-e-Takbeer 2020’

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response”

Impact of COVID-19 on Pakistan’s International Relations at Regional and Global Level

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response” (3rd Round 1st Session)

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response” (2nd Round, 5th Session)

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response” (2nd Round, 4th Session)

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response” (2nd Round, 3rd Session )

Webinar Series: “COVID-19: Global Challenges, National Response” (2nd Round, 2nd Session )

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