Pakistan main Deeni Taleem

Pakistan main Deeni Taleem

Pakistan main Deeni Taleem

The book “Pakistan main Deeni Taleem” (Religious Education in Pakistan: Past, Present and Developing Scenario) consists of a synthesis of papers and discussions appeared in these meetings and presents a comprehensive approach towards the issue at hand.

Pakistan main Deeni Taleem (HardBack)
By: Khalid Rahman, AD Maken
Edition: 1st (2009)
ISBN: 978-969-448-097-8
Pages: 367
Price: In Pakistan PKR. 600
Overseas US $ 26 (Inclusive of Bank charges)


IPS project on Religious Education Institutions has been bringing out various aspects of debate regarding reforms, reform process and national-international pressure for reforms in Madaris through a series of seminars, roundtables and dialogues with the individuals from all schools of thought and almost all important segments of the society.
The book “Pakistan main Deeni Taleem” (Religious Education in Pakistan: Past, Present and Developing Scenario) consists of a synthesis of papers and discussions appeared in these meetings and presents a comprehensive approach towards the issue at hand.
While it would be very helpful material for developing an indigenous approach towards religious education and bringing reforms therein, it would assist Madarassa leadership and administrator in forming a strategy for developing a more result-oriented curricula/syllabus of Madarassa education and taking positive measures in addressing the apprehensions of external world.

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